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5 Signs your Laptop Needs Repairs

January 11, 2023

Is your laptop moving slower than normal or shutting down suddenly? It could be a sign that you need professional laptop repair. Laptop repair is a great way to save money and restore your laptop to full function. According to Pew Internet, about 75% of people in the United States own a home computer or a laptop. We all depend on our laptops. Here are five signs that your laptop needs repair.

1. Your Laptop Won't Boot Up

If your laptop won't boot, that doesn't mean you have to toss it. Professional laptop repair services can fix the problem. A professional repair service can diagnose the issue and let you know if there's a solution.

2. Your Laptop Is Losing Power

The whole idea of a laptop is that it's portable. Of course, if your battery won't charge, that puts an end to portability. There are several reasons your battery can't be charged or hold a charge. The good news is this can usually be repaired. If your laptop runs out of power faster than it should, laptop repair can help.

3. You're Losing Connectivity

If your laptop won't hold a connection to the internet or bluetooth attachments, this problem can be resolved. Connectivity issues can stem from hardware and software issues. It can be very frustrating when you can't keep a signal, but luckily, diagnostic and repair services can help you solve the problem.

4. Your Laptop Has Physical Damage

A cracked screen or chassis damage doesn't mean you should give up on your laptop. Repair services can fix physical damage. Your laptop can almost always be restored, contact a laptop repair service to see if they can help.

5. You Suspect Malware and Viruses

If your laptop has been infected with malware or a virus, it can be repaired. Professional care can eliminate viruses and malware that are slowing things down. One key sign that you have a virus is when your system is slower than normal, and it takes longer for programs to load.

If your laptop is experiencing frustrating problems, don't discard it. Get it repaired. It'll extend your laptop's life, keep it out of the landfill, and help you save. Contact BrainWave Computers today for all your repair needs.

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