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How to Recycle Used Computers

May 20, 2024

Technology is constantly changing and evolving. When you upgrade your old computer, though, what should you do with it? There are computer recycling centers that will take your old devices. This is a good option since it keeps waste out of landfills and makes it possible for computer parts to live on. You may even have old devices in your home or in storage that you can recycle. According to Business Wire, 54% of Americans own old technology that they haven’t used in more than a year. Here are steps to take before you recycle your old computer.

Back up Your Files

It’ll be necessary to wipe your personal information from the computer first. This is more of a safety measure than anything else. The best way to back up your personal files is by using an external hard drive. You might also consider uploading your files to the cloud, but an external hard drive is the recommended option.

Drive Encryption

You may also want to consider disk encryption. This is a powerful tool that can be used to protect important data. This will allow you to lock your data with a passcode in case anyone were to find the hard drive. This will prevent them from accessing the information. This is a good option for those who are nervous about recycling a work computer that could have had classified information.

Deauthorize From Connected Software

Using connected accounts is a great way to sync devices and work together on important projects, but it can be unsafe when you send your computer away for recycling. You should disconnect and deauthorize these connections to stop potential identity theft.

Delete Browsing History

Deleting your browsing history is also a good idea. Visited websites will often have personal information saved such as home address, phone numbers, and even bank information if you made purchases on those sites. Protect your identity by deleting this history.

Wipe the Hard Drive

Finally, you’re ready to wipe your hard drive. This is also sometimes referred to as performing a factory reset. Your computer will have its own set of instructions for how to complete this. Follow those guidelines to restore the computer to its original settings and prepare it for recycling.

These are the steps you should follow in order to prepare your
used computers for recycling. If you’re considering recycling, or looking for a facility near you, please contact us today.

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